
A recent visit to the Rijksmuseum has left a rich series of impressions from which to start, so a well-known boot becomes a vase (competition)


Combining of an apartment to an apartment renovated years ago


Energy upgrade of a townhouse part of a historical building


The new buyer of an apartment built years ago asks to adapt the project to his needs. He had been impressed by the care and style applied but he has complete different habits from the old owners. An interesting challenge.


Renovation of a house on a private island in the inner Hebrides, an archipelago on the west coast of Scotland. A breathtaking landscape consisting of unspoilt Scottish hills and the endless Atlantic Ocean. Feeling like you are on the edge of the world.


A colleague is finishing the project for an industrial shed to be built in a landscape protected area. The project is already ready in its form, fully in compliance with the various overlapping regulations and well positioned on the building lot. The only thing missing is the agreement with the client about the external appearance of the shed. The ideas are not lacking but they cannot come to an agreement. We have been contacted by the colleague to elaborate a proposal, simple and efficient, in order to try to unlock this impasse. Which worked.


A mezzanine furniture piece


A large apartment on the sixth floor of a condominium building on the outskirts of Florence, with a big and high attic in extremely poor condition. For years the owners have been studying how to recover this space to enlarge their apartment which they also wanted to split to divide the properties. We are contacted to accomplish this idea. Thus begins a careful design phase to work out a distribution in full compliance with the detailed regulatory framework. Subdividing and garret recovery are equated to new construction. The result is an apartment kissed by light on the south side and a two-storey apartment on the north side with the attic that can also be used as a private study with a second independent access.


Furniture project for the design of a wine tasting corner with counter and display wall.


Energy upgrade of a villa at the seaside in an area with landscape constraint


Sketch proposal for the restoration and interior decoration of an apartment in Costa Magnoli.


Preliminary project for a house in the countryside


A series of custom-designed furniture for a villa in the Sienese countryside


The project revolves around the elimination of all non-original parts present in the apartment, in order to bring the main hall back to its old splendour An immense, bright and beautiful space. To accommodate the various functions such as kitchen, bathrooms and systems, a stage positioned along the internal wall is envisaged. Interpreted as if it were a thin sheet. Which, thanks to a clever play of pronounced gaps, remains visually detached from the walls. With a series of full-height sliding glass panels that allow you to close spaces where necessary, ensuring privacy and odour containment. The master bedroom, the only room in the apartment, is restored to perfection. A perfect background for any type of interior decor. The warmth of the wooden ceiling was matched with a slaked lime cover on all the undecorated walls, with its natural movement. While to increase the effect of size, a very light resin flooring covers all the rooms. As the work progresses and the spaces are defined, the owners, taken by enthusiasm, carry on the furnishings and further personalization of the bathrooms.


Complete renovation of an apartment


International competition for the new faculty building of the University of Delft.


Design, permits and direction of works for the subdivision of a villa


Planning and permits for the construction of a balcony with view over the river Arno in a landscape constrained area


Design and work supervision of a fashion shop inside an 'outlet' space


Renovation of an apartment in London


Furnishing arrangement for a shop in the centre


Interior modifications for a house under construction


An idea that gets into your head and never leaves you again. If it were possible to convince everyone to share their good ideas, proposals, insights and discoveries. Ideas with which they will certainly never do anything in life because they are not relevant to everyday life. Ideas to share with the society where there are those who have a possibility to do but do not have that idea. To try to make this world a better world...in small steps. We started to write the site but it was too big for inexperienced coders and the work remained half done.


Merging part of an apartment to an apartment renovated years ago


Restoration project and construction supervision of an apartment located in a historic building


A small custom corner


A large bright lounge with majestic wooden trusses, located in a noble palace in the historic centre of Florence. Historically this space was used as a laundry for the exclusive use of the servants. But in today's times these bright rooms are highly requested spaces. This space is completed by a smaller lounge, also with very beautiful trusses, and a turret. An apartment basically consisting of three rooms. From the turret it is possible to admire the whole city. An uncontaminated look on the red roofs of Florence. The client request is very simple but due to the particular formation of the environments it becomes a challenge at the same time. Find the best way to recover from these three unique spaces at least two bedrooms with two bathrooms, leaving the uniqueness of the premises intact. The work focuses on the study of the architectural layout. A single piece of furniture is designed for the turret which performs the various functions. A desk, handrail, sink and a shower tray that merge into one piece. With electrified matting glass around the shower tray to guarantee privacy on request. The same type of glass is used to divide the bathroom area from the bedroom area in the master bedroom. A glass wall that divides the two rooms so that you can leave the room as a single space. The corridor wardrobes become the headboard of the double bed. The main lounge is completed with a huge fireplace and a custom built kitchen area. A lime finish was to be used for the walls to obtain a warm vibrating effect capable of filling large surfaces. While the floors are all in handmade terracotta with a simple motiv, aged towards dark tones. As a finishing touch, a lighting project with home automation control system was studied. Various light scenarios for various occasions.


From the very first outset, the client indicated that he wanted to furnish the apartment with a series of antique Gothic-style furniture. Including an ancient dividing wall recovered from an English church, to be positioned between the kitchen and living room. An eccentric request for which time was needed to understand how best to interpret it and adapt it to unique and partially decorated environments. The client had purchased four apartments and the work first focused on optimizing the layout and systems in general. Eliminate all superfetation to safeguard the splendour of the original spaces. The new and large apartment was strongly influenced by the presence of two entrances, on one side a monumental entrance, without a lift, with slow stairs and a beautiful ancient handrail. On the other side a secondary door accessible from the condominium lift. Following the conformation of the rooms, it was decided to favour the large monumental entrance. From there you enter a smoking lounge with a full height wooden library and fireplace before entering the main lounge. On the side of the main entrance there are two rooms for guests and possible servants. While on the right side there is the double bedroom with a large private bathroom. The living room thus remains free, with a large area dedicated to the kitchen and completed with a huge fireplace. At the top, with a beautiful view over the roofs of Florence, there is a tower for study use.


A colleague, busy between ongoing projects and as many upcoming projects, entrusted us with the elaboration of the project for his new studio. In an existing context, composed of various functions and volumes, a large space for the study had to be inserted in addition to a mini apartment. With a detailed briefing on one side and the municipal regulation on the other, a first architectural project was prepared ready for obtaining permits.


A condominium apartment with a typical layout, corridor with kitchen and living room on the street side and bedrooms on the back side. To make the living area more spacious and bright, it was decided to demolish a series of partitions in the heart of the apartment. A door positioned centrally becomes a niche, finished in putty. In order to visually connect the various environments by expanding the spaces. Materials with warm shades were used for the finishes; a going oak wood flooring with clear walls. The two bathrooms have been meticulously detailed using quality marble materials. To great satisfaction of the client.


Small extension for a shoe shop in the centre


Preliminary project for the renovation of a farmhouse in the hills of Vinci


A custom designed tv cabinet


A custom designed mirror with small cabinet behind


A large custom designed library


Internal modifications for an apartment under construction

oltre numerose pratiche di supporto svolte negli anni come sanatorie, mere manutenzione straordinarie, consulenze tecniche di ufficio, ...

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